August 12th, 2024

Innovation 2.0

Launch Webinar

We launched Innovation 2.0 on 8th August 2024.

Listen to the full launch webinar here where we detail what’s new, and why it’ll lead to innovation that is faster, goes further and leads to more impact.

Here’s why we believe it’s time for a new era for Innovation in the charity sector.

Innovation has delivered some great success stories across the sector.  The audience-led approach that we introduced 12 years ago has driven audience diversification, new business models, new service design and, ultimately, of course, hundreds of millions of new income.

Innovation has been essential in a decade of economic challenges.  The charity sector has had to innovate continuously.  And as income streams like regular giving plateau, the need to innovate for new funding sources has never been more essential.  And at the same time demand for better services, for more people grows.

But working alongside so many talented innovators across the sector, it’s become clear to us innovation isn’t working hard enough and delivering new ideas to market quickly and successfully is the biggest innovation challenge fundraising and services teams are having  to overcome.

Developing and handing over new ideas can be slow and costly.   In house teams are overloaded making it hard to be agile or iterative.  Digital and creative agencies can be expensive and insight is often lost.  There is a lack of continuous testing and  iterating.  This leads to what we call the ‘doom loop’ of innovation. This cycle of questioning, disbanding teams, and reverting to old methods hampers progress.  

Good Innovation was set up to introduce the best of corporate sector innovation to the charity sector.  We have seen the corporate sector adapt to make innovation work harder and overcome delivery issues.  With the world asking more of charities than ever before it’s time to bring the same to the third sector.

Innovation 2.0 is a new delivery-focused approach with impact at its heart.  It  helps charities move faster, go further, and increase the quality of ideas through a combination of human expertise and emergent AI-capabilities.  It streamlines the process to rapidly move to ideas to allow focus on perfecting, polishing and delivering them faster and, ultimately, maximising investment.

It considers delivery at every stage, does not stop at the ‘test’ or prototype phase and culminates with a ‘Delivery Launchpad’ to ensure ideas get rolled out.   The launch pad delivers with low risk, multiple iterations and continuous validation.

In summary, Innovation 2.0 merges the best of audience-led innovation, a start-up delivery mindset, and emergent AI tools for fast, impactful delivery of ideas into the hands of real people.

To find out more about how we’re using this new methodology with our clients and what it can mean for you, contact Ben -