Summary of our Terms

As a business we have to use contracts that outline how we will provide our services to you, to make sure we’re on the same page and everything runs smoothly. While our official Terms and Conditions always take precedent (with the real legal stuff), we wanted to explain things in plain and simple language. Think of it as your friendly guide to understanding how we’ll work and win together. Let's get into it.


Business Day: Monday to Friday, generally between the hours of 9am and 5pm (UK Time). But not English public holidays.

Fees: The amount payable for services. This should be what we agreed during the pitch / proposal stage and what's in the order form. If it’s not, let us know.

Client: You/your organisation; the person or entity receiving services.

Client Contact: The main contact person we should speak to at your organisation.

Contract: The agreement including the Order Form and the Terms and Conditions.

Good Innovation: Us,  Good Innovation Ltd.

Intellectual Property Rights: Legal rights over creations of the mind, like inventions, designs and trademarks.

Order Form: The document detailing the specific project and services. 

Services: The work described in the Order Form. Again, this should be what we agreed during the pitch/proposal stage.

Start Date: When the services will begin. Changing this may alter when we are able to work on, and subsequently finish, your project.


References to any gender include all genders. Singular words include the plural, and vice versa. Written communication includes emails. Standard terms on other documents do not apply unless agreed.

Our Services

We will provide the services listed in the Order Form starting from the agreed Start Date. This will depend on getting the signed contract back and our first invoice being paid, but we will be in constant communication throughout the process.

Your Obligations

Ensure your main contact person can make binding decisions. We ask you to provide information, access, and assistance promptly when requested, such as attending meetings and providing content. We will have agreed these with you in advance and once a slot has been reserved for you, we will be allocating resources to start at that time. If there is a delay we will have people twiddling their thumbs, and while we do absolutely everything we can to rearrange our schedule it is not always possible, so please let us know as soon as you can!

Invoicing and Payment

We will send invoices for the fees and any agreed additional costs. You need to pay invoices within 30 days. Fees exclude VAT, which you must also pay. If you don’t pay on time, we can charge interest and suspend services - but this rarely happens. You can contact our accounts team at any time.

What are the Fees? The standard fees that we agreed for the project

What are Additionals? These are planned costs for extra things outside of consultancy, like research, incentives, web hosting, etc. Where possible we predict and include these costs in our Fee (unless otherwise stated) but if these costs are exceeded we will charge them back separately.


We promise to deliver services with professional care and skill. We make no other guarantees beyond what’s stated in the Contract, but will always do our best for our Clients.

Intellectual Property Rights

You will own all new creative material created during the services, but we can use this material if needed to provide the services. We will own any non-bespoke processes or materials.

We love sharing the impact we've made together, so we may use your name and logo for marketing, but only with your permission.


We are very proud of our team, and we're glad you like them too, but please don't try to poach them.

Liability and Insurance

We are not liable for indirect or consequential losses but we are responsible for any death or personal injury caused by negligence and for any fraud (this is very unlikely with the type of work we do but they make us include it). In a worst case scenario though, our liability is limited tothree times the fees or £50,000, whichever is higher, no matter how it was caused. We maintain professional indemnity and public liability insurance of at least £1,000,000.


Both parties must keep each other’s confidential information private. We might share information with our staff and advisors who need to know, but they won't tell anyone else. We ask the same of you.

Data Protection

We will process personal data provided by you in line with data protection laws and our Data Processing Addendum.


If you change your mind and wish to cancel a project after work has begun then we will simply ask for 4 weeks' notice and will only charge for the time that we have already spent working on it. If this is more than your initial payment, we will invoice for the difference. If it is less, we will refund the difference. Immediate termination is possible if either of us breaches the contract and doesn’t fix it, or if insolvency issues arise.


Notices must be sent by email to the specified addresses (usually and are considered received during business hours.


You cannot transfer your rights or obligations without our consent. Sometimes our teams will include freelancers, contractors or even other businesses that we know and trust, and have thoroughly vetted before involving them in your project, but we will never assign the contract over.

Third Party Rights

No one except You and GI have rights under the contract. Nobody else can enforce its terms.

Dispute Resolution

Every situation is different and if we make a mistake, we will put our hand up and try to find a way of making it up to you. If you're not happy with how we've handled a dispute you are able to request Mediation.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The Contract is governed by the laws of England and Wales, and disputes will be settled in their courts.

Data Processing Addendum


Applicable Laws: Relevant laws and regulations.

Client Data: Personal data provided by the Client.

Data Protection Laws: Includes the UK GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018.

Sub-processor: Any entity processing data on our behalf.

Processing of Client Data

We process Client Data as instructed by the Client for the services. We will implement security measures, keep data confidential, and notify the Client of any breaches.


We maintain technical and organisational measures to protect data. We may use sub-processors but will inform the Client and ensure they comply with data protection terms.

Data Subject Rights

If you have provided us with personal data you are responsible for handling data subject requests (e.g., access, correction).

Personal Data Breach Notification

We will notify the Client within 24 hours of any personal data breach being identified and assist in managing it.

Data Processing Details

We process personal data only as necessary for providing the services and will delete or return it after the contract ends, unless legally required to retain it.


If there’s a conflict between this Addendum and the Terms and Conditions, this Addendum prevails.