We worked with World Vision UK to identify untapped assets and capabilities within the organisation, which we used to build opportunity areas for innovation, taking one idea through to MVP.

The challenge

World Vision wanted to generate new unrestricted sources of income by diversifying their income away from their successful child sponsorship proposition.

Our objective was to identify where World Vision should focus in order to grow income, and how they should set themselves up to deliver a portfolio of new innovation.

The solution

We begun by analysing the challenge through three key lenses: organisation, market and audience. Through stakeholder interviews, trend scanning and further research, we identified 26 opportunity areas. We held a workshop with stakeholders from the Board, Trustees and across the organisation, to discuss these areas and how World Vision should set themselves up for innovation in the future. Our further synthesis led to 9 Opportunity Platforms, each analysed through a market, audience and organisational lens and with idea starters spanning across  the three innovation horizons. Corporate Partnerships was selected as a priority Opportunity Platform so we ran an innovation Sprint to generate a new MVP for World Vision. In one week, we ran insight interviews with experts, an ideation workshop and user testing sessions on the new MVP that we co-created.

The impact

We helped World Vision to kick start their innovation journey, generating Opportunity Platforms and recommendations for Innovation governance and delivery.

 The MVP was well received by potential users and international World Vision teams and there are plans to continue development.

"If you are looking to innovate in the charity sector Good Innovation are the go-to people. They have plenty of valuable experience, enthusiasm and ideas to support your innovation journey. Not only are they a bunch of clever people, they are also fun to work with too."

Steve Richards

Innovation Catalyst