February 4th, 2025

Good Futures 2025 Tarot

2025: A Year of Hope and Possibility

2024 was a lot.

Culture, tech, media, and politics have played the Uno Reverse card, shifting the Overton window further to the right. Whilst we have a new Labour government in power in the UK, economically the charity sector is reeling from another financial blow with the National Insurance increase essentially wiping out Gift Aid benefits.

Individually, we're in a dopamine loop of social scrolling, questioning what is real, and whether AI will free us or enslave us in the coming years. We're stuck in a creative rut and suffering from anhedonia. As Kyle Raymond Fitzpatrick put it, "we’re endlessly unhappy, dopamine shocked (and deprived) post-people."

OK. So the GF team might not be quite as pessimistic as Kyle, but given everything that's going on you'd be forgiven for choosing to pull the duvet over your head and hibernate until spring 2026. (We listen and we don't judge.)

To help navigate the coming months, find green shoots of optimism and reasons not to completely throw in the towel, the Good Futures team have landed 10 trends for 2025.

These follow on from last year's 2024 Trend Tarot. They're designed to be used as individual cards, clashed together with other trends from from 2025, or together with the 2024 tarot.

From Conscious Community, and Relationship Renaissance, to Scents & Sensibilities, and Technological Agency, the trends cover engagement, branding, technology, design and everything in between.

What sits under all these trends is a running theme of Hope. Hope as the warrior emotion for the coming years. Hope isn't a given. It's an investment. Something we need to nurture, fuel and protect, and that fuel comes from community. From connection. From joining together.

Click here to view the 2025 Tarot Trend Cards.

To subscribe to Good Futures to read the narrative that sits behind the cards, and a whole lot more contact Daisy.